Switzerland County Workforce Housing2023-12-18T11:21:01-05:00

Switzerland County Workforce Housing

Switzerland County

The Switzerland County Workforce Housing Initiative will make it possible for new, affordable, single-family homes to be constructed for sale at multiple residential locations in Switzerland County. This project builds on infrastructure capacity investments the community has already made in recent years to promote residential growth. READI and matching funds will be used to complete the remaining public infrastructure and amenities needed to make these homes competitive in Switzerland County’s growing multi-state residential housing market. Specifically, funds will be used for paving, storm drainage, sidewalks, signage, and limited utility extension.

The project will be overseen by the Switzerland County Redevelopment Commission. The Commission will partner with multiple development partners, who already control the real estate for their project sites. Homes are already under construction, where conditions allow. The completed project will provide a historically underserved housing market with walkable neighborhoods connected to larger retail areas. It will also position the area for additional residential growth around these infrastructure investments. The benefits of these investments will extend beyond the sites serviced by this project, allowing other residential developments to potentially occur in the future at a lower infrastructure cost.

A 2020 housing market study projected that Switzerland County alone had an unmet housing demand of 44 new units per year and could support a growth rate in excess of 230 new units per year by meeting the unmet need in the immediate surrounding area.



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